MARTIN Suddenly, but peacefully, at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, on Saturday, April 17, 2021, John Douglas (Doug), aged 89, of Carnoustie, beloved husband of Eileen, father of Kevin, brother of Bob, the late Graham and Stan, cherished father-in-law of Asha and grandfather of Arran and Alisha. A private service will be held in Selwood Funeral Directors Service Rooms, Carnoustie, on Wednesday, April 28, followed by a cremation at Parkgrove Crematorium, Friockheim at 12.30 p.m., to which all relatives and friends are respectfully invited, in accordance with current guidelines. The cortege will leave Selwood Funeral Directors Service Rooms at approx. 11.45 a.m., going via The West End Bowling Club, Camus Street, Dundee Street, passing the Royal British Legion and the High Street.
19 April 2021
Please accept our condolences at this difficult time.
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